It is important to remember that it is okay to be wrong, because this is how we grow and become stronger. Not encouraging yourself is not an option, if you are on the path of personal growth.
Vulnerability can be an excellent starting point to achieve our life purpose. By opening up to listening to our own feelings, we are able to do the things that make us happy and sustain us. This is how we approach our dreams and become better people, accepting and valuing our weaknesses.
In this sense, I invite you to take a few minutes of your day to reflect on those moments in which vulnerability feels skin deep, and on the contrary, those others in which the search is for the attention of others.
The fundamental difference between someone who recognizes himself in his vulnerability, and someone who is a victim of what happens to him is simply where the focus is placed, to whom or who we attribute the responsibility: In the field of action itself or on the outside?
It would then be worth asking ourselves: Who is being blamed for my misfortune today?